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Departamentos > Neurociencia traslacional > Grupo de Neuro-Rehabilitación> Publicaciones

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Año 2014

  • A.J. del-Ama, Á. Gil-Agudo, J.L. Pons and J.C. Moreno . Hybrid FES-robot cooperative control of ambulatory gait rehabilitation exoskeleton for spinal cord injured users. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (Aceptado, 12 de febrero).

  • R. Xu, N. Jiang, N. Mrachacz-Kersting, C. Lin, G. Asin, J. C. Moreno, J. L. Pons, K. Dremstrup, D. Farina.. A Closed Loop Brain Computer Interface Triggering an Active Ankle Foot Orthosis for Inducing Cortical Neural Plasticity. IEEE transactions on bio medical engineering .

  • Miguel A. Velasco, Rafael Raya, Ramón Ceres, Alejandro Clemotte, Eduardo Rocon, Antonio Ruiz y Teresa González. Positive and Negative Motor Signs of Head Motion in Cerebral Palsy: Assessment of impairment and Task Performance. IEEE Systems Journal (ISJ).

  • Jaime Ibáñez, Jesús González de la Aleja, Juan A. Gallego, Juan P. Romero, Rosana A. Saíz-Díaz, Julián Benito-León, Eduardo Rocon. Effects of Alprazolam on Cortical Activity and Tremors in Patients with Essential Tremor. PLOS ONE Journal.

  • Martins, Maria; Santos, Cristina; Frizera, Anselmo; Ceres, Ramón. A Review of Advantages Demands and Influence of Conventional and Smart Walkers on Gait Performance. Disability and Rehabilitation Assistive Technology.

  • İmamoğlu, N.; Gomez-Tames, J.D.; Gonzalez, J.; Gu, D. & Yu, W. PCNN Segmentation and Bottom-Up Saliency-On Feature Extraction for Thigh MRI based 3D Model Construction. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics.

  • Strahinja Dosen, Silvia Muceli, Jakob Lund Dideriksen, Juan Pablo Romero, Eduardo Rocon, J.L. Pons, Dario Farina. Online Tremor Suppression using Electromyography and Low Level Electrical Stimulation. IEEE Trans. on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 2014, in review.

  • Diego A. Galeano Galeano, Fernando Brunetti, Diego Torricelli, Stefano Piazza, J.L. Pons. A tool for balance control training using muscle synergies and multimodal interfaces. Biomed Research International, in press.

  • M. Pajaro, J.L. Pons. Research highlights in neurorehabilitation (Editorial). Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 11. 21.

  • E. Bravo-Esteban, J.S. Taylor, M. Aleixandre, S. Albu, C. Simón-Martínez, D. Torricelli, J.L. Pons, J. Gómez-Soriano. Tibialis Anterior muscle coherence during controlled voluntary activation in patients with spinal cord injury: Diagnostic potential for muscle strength, gait and spasticity. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 11. 23.

  • F. O. Barroso, D. Torricelli, J. C. Moreno, J. Taylor, J. Gomez-Soriano, E. Bravo-Esteban, S. Piazza, C. Santos, J. L. Pons. Shared muscle synergies in human walking and cycling. Journal of Neurophysiology.

Año 2013

  • Pajaro-Blázquez M, Miangolarra-Page JC.. Clinical use of emerging technologies for neurorehabilitation. . Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 92. 00. 00. In press.

  • Oliva, J., Ignacio Serrano, J.I., del Castillo, M.D., Iglesias, A.. A SMS NORMALIZATION SYSTEM INTEGRATING MULTIPLE GRAMMATICAL RESOURCES. Natural Language Engineering . ISSN 1351-3249. 19. 1. 121-141

  • Serrano, J.I., del Castillo, M.D., Carretero, M.. COGNITIVE? SCIENCE?. Foundations of Science

  • J.A. Gallego, E. Rocon, J.M. Belda-Lois, J.L. Pons. A neuroprosthesis for tremor management through the control of muscle co-contraction. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation. doi:10.1186/1743-0003-10-36. 10. 36

  • J.C. Moreno, F. Barroso, D. Farina, L. Gizzi, C. Santos, M. Molinari, J.L. Pons. Effects of robotic guidance on the coordination of locomotion. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation. 10. 79

  • J. Ibáñez, J.I. Serrano, M.D. del Castillo, J.A. Gallego, E. Rocon. ONLINE DETECTOR OF MOVEMENT INTENTION BASED ON EEG - APPLICATION IN TREMOR PATIENTS. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 8. 822-829

  • A. Del Ama, A. Koutsou, E. Bravo Esteban, J. Gómez Soriano, S. Piazza, A. Gil Agudo, J. L. Pons, J. C. Moreno. A comparison of customized strategies to manage muscle fatigue in isometric artificially elicited muscle contractions for incomplete SCI subjects. Journal of Automatic Control. 21. 1. 19 25

  • Gomez-Tames, J.; Gonzalez, J. & Yu, W. . A Simulation Study on the Dominance of the Tissues’ Conductivity in the Muscle Recruitment. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics. doi:10.1166/jmihi.2013.1139. 3. 1. 72-78

  • Yuan, B.; Sekine, M.; Gonzalez, J.; Tames, J. G. & Yu, W. . Variable Impedance Control Based on Impedance Estimation Model with EMG Signals during Extension and Flexion Tasks for a Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robotic System.. Journal of Novel Physiotherapies. doi: 10.4172/2165-7025.1000178. 3. 178

  • Sekine, M.; Sugimori, K.; Gonzalez, J. & Yu, W.. Optimization-Based Design of a Small Pneumatic-Actuator-Driven Parallel Mechanism for a Shoulder Prosthetic Arm with Statics and Spatial Accessibility Evaluation. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. doi:10.5772/56638. 1

  • Nergui, M.; Yoshida, Y.; Imamoglu, N.; Gonzalez, J.; Otake, M & Yu ,W.. Human Activity Recognition Using Body Contour Parameter Extracted from Depth Images. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics. 3. 3. 455-461

  • Nergui, M.; Yoshida, Y.; Imamoglu, N.; Gonzalez, J.; Sekine, M. & Yu, W.. Human Motion Tracking and Recognition using HMM by a Mobile Robot. International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems, Emerald Mechanical and Materials Engineering Subject Collection. 1. 1. 76-92

  • E. Pérez-Rizo, M. Solís-Mozos, J.M. Belda-Lois, Á. Page, J. Taylor, J.L. Pons, Á. Gil-Agudo. Instrumentation and biomechanical model for kinematic and kinetic analysis of upper limbs during gait with crutches. Journal of Accessibility and Design for All. 3. 2. 127-148

  • Á. Gil-Agudo, A. de los Reyes-Guzmán, I. Dimbwadyo-Terrer, B. Peñasco-Martín, A. Bernal-Sahún, P. López-Monteagudo, A. del Ama-Espinosa and J.L. Pons. A novel motion tracking system for evaluation of functional rehabilitation of the upper limbs. Neural Regeneration Research. 8. 19. 1773-1782

  • A. Gil-Agudo, S. Pérez-Nombela, E. Pérez-Rizo, A. del Ama-Espinosa, B. Crespo-Ruiz, J.L. Pons. Comparative biomechanical analysis of gait in patients with central cord and Brown-Séquard syndrome. Disability and Rehabilitation. 1-8

Año 2012

  • J.A. Gallego, A. Forner-Cordero, J.C. Moreno, E.A. Turowska, J.L. Pons. Detection of gait perturbations based on proprioceptive information. Application to limit cycle walkers. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics. 1176-2322. 9. 2

  • A.J. Del-ama, J.C. Moreno, Á. Gil-agudo, A. De-los-reyes, J.L. Pons. Online Assessment of Human-Robot Interaction for Hybrid Control of Walking. Sensors. doi:10.3390/s120100215. 12. 1. 215-225

  • Claude Lagoda, Juan C. Moreno, Jose Luis Pons. Human-robot interfaces in exoskeletons for gait training after stroke: State of the art and challenges. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics. doi: 10.3233/ABB-2012-0056

  • R. Raya, E. Rocon, J.A. Gallego, R. Ceres, J.L. Pons. A Robust Kalman Algorithm to Facilitate Human-Computer Interaction for People with Cerebral Palsy, Using a New Interface Based on Inertial Sensors. Sensors. doi:10.3390/s120303049. 12. 3. 3049-3067

  • J. Herrán, I. Fernández, E. Ochoteco, G. Cabañero, H. Grande, J.C. Moreno, E. Rocon, J.L. Pons. Flexible and large area pressure sensors for human-neuroprostheses and human-neurorobotic interface assessment. Microsystem Technologies. 1-7

  • Martins, Maria M., Santos, Cristina P., Frizera-Neto, Anselmo, Ceres, Ramón. Assistive mobility devices focusing on Smart Walkers: classification and review. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 60. 548-562

  • R. Cano-de-la-Cuerda, A. Molero-Sánchez, M. Carratalá-Tejada, I.M. Alguacil-Diego, F. Molina-Rueda, J.C. Miangolarra-Page, D. Torricelli. Teorías y modelos de control y aprendizaje motor. Aplicaciones clínicas en neurorrehabilitación. Neurología

  • Serrano, J. I., del Castillo, M. D.. THE ORIGIN OF EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION SPECIES: INFLUENCES OF DARWIN’S THEORIES ON COMPUTER SCIENCE. : Artificial Intelligence Review . 0269-2821. DOI 10.1007/s10462-011-9246-6


  • J.A. Gallego, J. Ibáñez, J.L. Dideriksen, J.I. Serrano, M.D. del Castillo, D. Farina, E. Rocon. A multimodal Human–Robot Interface to drive a neuroprosthesis for tremor management. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews. doi:10.1109/TSMCC.2012.2200101. 42. 6. 1159-1168

  • L. Gizzi, J.F. Nielsen, F. Felici, J.C. Moreno, J.L. Pons, D. Farina. Motor modules in robot-aided walking. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 9. 76

  • A. Holobar, V. Glaser, J.A. Gallego, J.L. Dideriksen, D. Farina. Non-invasive characterization of motor unit behaviour in pathological tremor. Journal of Neural Engineering. 9. 056011

  • A.J. del-Ama, Á. Gil-Agudo, A.D. Koutsou, J.C. Moreno, J.L. Pons. Hybrid Exoskeletons for Gait Restoration on Spinal Cord Injury. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development. 49. 4. 497:514

  • Gonzalez J., Soma H., Sekine M. & Yu W.. Psycho-physiological Assessment of a Prosthetic Hand Sensory Feedback System based on an Auditory Display: A Preliminary Study. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 9. 33

  • Yu, W.; Soma, H. & González, J.. Analyzing Upper Limb Reflexive Responses for Prosthetic Applications. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology. 2. 5

  • Nergui M.; Yoshida Y.; Gonzalez J.; Imamoglu N. and Yu W.. Human Behavior Recognition by a Bio-monitoring Mobile Robot. Springer, Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 7507. 21-30

  • Miura N., Ikemoto Y., Gonzalez J., Inoue J & Yu W.. Analyzing Compensated Strategy in Impaired Walking Using a Humanoid Robot. Transaction on Control and Mechanical Systems. 1. 1. 20-25

  • L.J. Barrios, M.D. del Castillo, J.I. Serrano, J.L. Pons. A review of fMRI as a tool for enhancing EEG-based brain-machine interfaces. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics. 9. 2. 125-134

  • J.L. Pons, E. Rocon, J.A. Gallego. A Wearable Neuroprosthesis for the Suppression of Pathological Tremor. EMBS Newsletter, November 2012

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